Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Ava and her kitty!

Well, Miss Ava is now 16 months plus. She is definitely becoming her own little person - well, not that she wasn't already and showing her sweet, cute, funny, little personality. Lately in addition to being sweet, cute, and funny, she is showing her STUBBORN side. She is really into throwing fits - oh and I mean fall on the floor, flail, kick, cry, scream, bang your head on the tub fits (she was ticked she had to sit down in the tub). Oh, and our tub is NOT plastic - it's a very hard ceramic tub. You can bet that didn't make her stop crying.

It's hard to ignore the fit, as the dr's sheet says to do - hehe! But we are trying all sorts of reactions from ignoring her, putting her in her crib for a timeout (minus her binkie and blankie), walking away, saying no, a little swat on the leg. I can't say much is really helping. I am hoping it's just a phase or possibly a result of being cranky because of all of the teething. Her bottom tooth that has been cutting through is finally in about half-way and one of her bottom molars is also visible but not really cut through. I think there's one more in there somewhere trying to come in. Total she still has only 6 teeth so let the teething continue, huh!?

The fits typically happen when she doesn't get to do what she wants, doesn't get what she wants, has to stop doing something or has to do something if SHE doesn't want to. =) hmmmmm....can you say DRAMA!? Anyway, I hope I am not the only person's child who has started throwing fits (haha!) and I'm also hoping it's over soon! She is still my sweet, funny, and loveable lil baby - who isn't much of a baby anymore!!!!! =)


Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between said...

Based on the picture you posted with this blog I can't believe little Miss Ava is throwing fits - She is too cute.

Nathan and Megan said...

Hey Cuz~ Fits, oh no! Yes, I do think it's a stage & I do think it's a "girl" thing in general- like we've talked about! Redd may get upset but it's for like a couple of seconds & we'll walk away or get something to distract him & he's fine whereas my sister's Ava is a DRAMA Queen. There is just a little more to it when she throws a "fit." Good Luck! See you Sat!

Katie said...

The bathtub story still makes me laugh! I remember the fits Holden threw at that age. I have hours (literally!) of video footage because it was so pathetic and hilarious that I would just start taping him. Half the time he would start pointing at me and yelling, "No, no, no!" I should pull them out for him to see now; he would laugh. That's not to say we don't STILL have fits; now there's just more words involved. Ha! When you're as cute as Ava you can get away with a few fits.

The Stille's said...

oh its just a phase and when she's done with this one she will make you crazy with another one....haha just kidding its great