Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Thanks to everyone that has listened to all of my questions and thoughts on Ava's sleeping habits. This morning I had a REVELATION!

Being a parent brings upon so many questions and doubts---'why is she doing this or that, is this what's best for her, why won't she do this?' etc. I've realized you have to go with your 'gut' feeling. You know what is best. You can't compare your child to anyone else's child. Each baby is their own person--unique and special in their own way. It may be hard to hear that so and so's baby is sleeping through the night or that so and so's 3 year old is 'already reading' but you can't let any of those things bring you down or make you feel like you aren't doing your job. :) I've realized that once you REALIZE all of that and accept it, it is then that you will really be able to be the best parent you can be. It is so true. All babies are different. They are little people and that's just how people are, right? Different.

My revelation happened this morning when Jeanne asked how Ava's night was--if it was better. It really got me to thinking as I answered saying "Well, it's not that she's not sleeping well, it's that she is getting up once in the night to eat." Jeanne asked what time she was going to bed and as we were discussing I realized something. #1 Ava is going to bed at 8pm and sleeping until almost 2am (6 hours) and that in itself is great!! Like I mentioned in my last post, she is also taking TWO - 2 hour naps during the day where she goes to sleep in a crib on her own. So I'm thinking little Miss Ava doesn't have any sleeping issues. It was ME that had an issue feeling like 'why is everyone else's baby sleeping through the night by this time' or having these preconceived notions of what should be happening.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want her to get in the habit of waking up at night to eat but I am thinking with the introduction of some baby food, hopefully her little tummy will start getting more full for longer and hopefully her 2am feeding will turn into 3am, 4am, 5am, and eventually disappear! :) I've realized that if she isn't hungry and is just waking up, the paci or her blanket works to put her back to sleep and if it doesn't work, then she is hungry. Dr. Emm also didn't ask what time she was going to bed so I think all of those things factor in. I admit it. I was feeling like 'by now' she should be sleeping 12 hours (haha) and what is wrong that she isn't.

I doubt this is the ONLY time I will have to stop and remember that Ava is her own little person - special and unique - and will do things on her own time! I am very blessed to have such a sweet, happy baby. She is definitely her daddy's girl. Smiley all the time. And at least Travis and I are aware of things that could lead to bad habits and we'll try anything to help our little girl.