Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ava Lynn Cunningham

Well, I am FINALLY getting to my blog. It has been quite the job updating everyone on Ava's arrival especially with today's, facebook, texting, blogging, etc. so, hopefully you've already heard the news but thought I'd do my official blog post about our precious little girl!

Ava Lynn arrived Tuesday, May 26 at 5:25 pm (one more minute and it would have been 5:26 on 5/26, hehe!). She was 7 lbs. 10 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. The most common comment I've heard about her is of course 'Look at that HAIR!!!' Both Travis and I had hair but trust me, not that much. It is super long all over - at least an inch and a 1/2 to 2 inches.

We are both doing well and Travis has been there for me through it all! I could not have done it without him!!! We go home tomorrow sometime so I'm enjoying one more night of having the nurses take care of me and taking advantage of the nursery, though if Ava is gone too long, I get a little worried and make Travis go check on her or go get her. ;)

She arrived via c-section, which was unplanned but after what I thought was a perfect induction, little Ava wasn't making much progress on getting out. At 1:30pm, I joked that I was planning to have her by 3pm so I could update everyone at school and the nurse said that sounded about right since I was making such great progress. Unfortunately, after several hours of pushing and her not moving down, my dr. recommended c-section. At that point, I was ready for her to be here, no matter what method! She either was just too big for my pelvis or the nurse said maybe her head was possibly wedged in there wrong making it pretty much impossible to get out. She had a little conehead for a while but its much better now. All in all, the c-section wasn't horrible and I'm recovering pretty well. Please pray that I have a speedy recovery.

Thanks to everyone for all of the well-wishes, cards, flowers, outfits, balloons, etc. We have enjoyed showing her off to everyone. We feel so blessed to have such a perfect baby welcomed into our lives! I will post more pics and blog more eventually!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let's Get Crackin'!!!

Well, here it is - May 24!! It is WEIRD to see 0 (ZERO) days on the baby countdown! She's still not showing any signs of arriving, other than the fact that I can LITERALLY feel her sitting on my bladder!! It's all good but I had hoped she might come on her own. There's always tonight and tomorrow. :)

Speaking of --tomorrow is the induction 'night'! We have everything ready - of course - you know me! It will be an interesting day though knowing that I am going to the hospital at midnight. I am trying to get myself in NIGHT MODE but not sure if it'll work. I might attempt to start the 2nd painting in Baby _____'s room in a bit so I can stay up later. I was falling asleep on the couch last night by 9:30!!
We had a fun day today. We drove over to Peoria and had lunch with my Mom and John at Joe's Crab Shack. YUM! I had crab legs - and thought the bib was fitting! Then Travis and I went to The Shoppes at Grand Prairie for a little shopping and of course, an ice cream treat for me after.
We sat outside. It was heavenly! I am in dire need of some sun! My right arm might be more tan but oh well!
I feel like I look HUGE so I'm glad I'm almost done being preggo, though I can't complain! It could be worse. :-)
This is where we parked--down by the river (no van...) but thought the water level was pretty crazy!
Signing off! The next post will most likely be with pictures of our baby girl!

Friday, May 22, 2009

3 Days!

Well, it's certainly hard to believe that Travis and I will be parents in just a few days (or less!!). I feel very fortunate to have had such a smooth pregnancy and from what the dr and nurses say, "A Happy, Healthy Baby!" We had her checked out on the fetal monitor yesterday (she was being a little too mellow for me!) and all is fine. No contractions so the OR LESS is definitely wishful thinking I think. Induction is still scheduled for Monday at Midnight! Whohoo! Wish me luck that things progress nicely and Baby C will be here sometime Tuesday.

This weekend we don't have much planned. Of course, I want to dust and vacuum one last time and make sure we have everything ready to head out the door. We just got back from the movies and tomorrow I'm garage saling with Paula for one last time for a while! Hopefully I'll only have to miss a few Fridays this summer with the GSGers! (don't ask! hehe!). BTW, Baby C was having her own little party at the movies so I guess if I've needed her to move around, I should have just turned on the surround sound here at home! Jeesh!

I can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like. Does she have hair? How much will she weigh? I hope the beat belt has served her well and she's a great sleeper. :-) And I'm SUPER excited to show her off and finally reveal her name! Keeping secrets has been pretty fun!! Be looking for a text, call, email, blog or facebook update soon!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

I should have been keeping track of all of the funny, bizarre, and sweet things the kids have said to me throughout my pregnancy so I'll just have to hope that I can at least remember a few! It's been quite funny. With seeing the kids only once a week, I suppose that it is more exciting for them, maybe they see more of a change in a week than they would in a day, who knows! But they've been truly intrigued! I just have to laugh but sometimes I am just shell-shocked!!!

Questions from students - keep in mind they are 5-11 or 12 years old (K-5):

1. Are you going to have that needle thingy in your back? I think I was asked this by a couple different 4th graders. I don't remember what I said the first time but the 2nd time I asked the student (a boy), how he knows about that. He said another student told him. So, when I asked how HE knew, he said his dad told him. OKIDOKE!
2. Are you excited? Yes!
3. Are you nervous? A little, yeah!
4. Are you going to squeeze your husband's hand? hmmm...I just laughed!
5. How did you know you were pregnant? I think this was before Katie H. told me to tell the kids "The doctor told me!" I don't remember exactly what I stumbled out!
6. How did you know it was a girl? The doctor told me! :)
7. How does the baby come out? Luckily, I suppose, before I could answer (this happens a lot!), another student blurts out "You have to have surgery to get it out!" So I said, "Yep, sometimes you do!" MOVING ON!!!
8. How does the baby come out? (another class) Again, if I pause at all, another student will usually take care of it for me. This was a Kindergarten class and NOT KIDDING, a few of the girls were telling how the baby actually comes out!! The baby comes out your _____ - they had a word for 'it'--totally can't remember but it was definitely a slang term.
9. How do you feed the baby? This was a tricky one. I think I was asked this a few times and depending on the age of the student, I tried actually explaining that when I eat, the baby gets her nutrients from me. Not sure if they quite got it but I tried!
10. Is that baby keeping you up at night, kicking? This one 2nd grader asked me this literally EVERY week for about a month. :)
11. Your belly sure is getting big! Yep! I know!
12. Man, you're really stretching your shirt out - you'll have to get a new shirt after the baby is here...
13. You look like you have THREE bowling balls in your belly! Wouldn't one have been sufficient?
14. Cute story - Yesterday the Kindergarteners had their playground balls with them in art because they come straight from recess and I turn around to see them sticking the balls up their shirts!!! I about died!
15. One student asked the assistant in the room "Soooo, your stomach just...stretches out like that??" She replies, "Well, yeah..." Then the student says, "So, isn't your belly going to be all 'squishy' (I think that was the word she used), after???" Amazing what a 1st grader is really thinking through here...
16. Does the baby take a bath when you take a bath? Again, I'm not really sure what I said. Sometimes I'm just speechless!
17. Does being pregnant hurt? Well...(on the subject of bowling balls), I said, it doesn't really hurt but imagine you have a bowling ball in your belly and you are trying to roll over in bed or get up, it kind of gets in the way!

And my all time favorite:
One student asked me how the baby starts out as this little thing (he does a motion with his hand) and then grows to be that big?? Before I could even respond (thankfully??), another student (these are 2nd graders) says "Well, it starts out as this little egg and then there's this little tadpole thing and they join together and make a baby!" All I can do at this point was laugh along with another teacher that was in earshot. I was just dying! How does she know this?? So, I ask her - "Rachel, how do you know that?" Her response was that she "watched an inappropriate movie." Hilarious!! After telling the story to a few people, I think it was Sara that pointed out that she probably saw Look Who's Talking! Amazing what the kids catch on to! Her version was just hilarious, though, and you have to know her to really get it! She's the same one that also told me when we were trying to pick names, that sometimes you just have to wait until you see the baby to know. Then she grabbed this other student and said, "See, Emily just LOOKS like an Emily!" Apparently she heard her mom saying this, I'd say. :)

The kids are so sweet about it all. It has helped me to look forward to these last few days of being pregnant when I'm exhausted and don't feel like going in to school--even for a 1/2 day :) especially today when I practically threw my back out this morning picking something up off the floor and was in the worst pain for about 1/2 hour! The pain was too high for me to think back labor but it definitely got me to thinking - uh oh!!! If that was any indication of what's to come, I'm in trouble. :)

For example, today, I stepped into the lunch room to ask a student about her artwork, and I had about 15 - 2nd graders practically attacking me--asking how I'm doing, how's the baby?, touching my belly, giving me hugs, telling me good luck and have fun. They are so cute!!!!! I even had a 3rd grader tell me today that she's been praying for me. :)

This is why I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure I'll think of more but those are probably the ones that stick out in my mind the most. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Doctor Update!!!!

If I haven't talked to you, I had my dr. appointment this morning. 39 weeks! Whew! I am still dilated about a 2-3 and not effaced - and no contracting yet either. So, she asked what our thoughts were on inducing. At first I said I didn't know. Then we asked what she thought the size of the baby was and her response was "Well, it's not going to be a small baby." Hmmmmmmmmm! That isn't exactly what I wanted to hear--freaked me out a little. Yes, I want the baby to be healthy but...

Anyway, she said she's probably about 7 1/2 to 8 lbs right now and for a small person like me, that could be difficult. I'll have to ask Travis if he remembers what her exact wording was but I vaguely recall her saying the word 'difficult.' I was still on the sentence where she said it's not going to be a small baby. Plus, when they grow like a lb. a week in the end, that could be BAD, for me! Thankfully she also mentioned that it's a good idea to decide early on if you want to be induced because some people wait and call when they are ready to be induced that day or the next day and then the hospital is booked! So, with that, I said, "OK, sign me up!!" She also said that it's ok to induce anytime after week 39 and all the baby is doing right now is growing!

We have an appointment to go in to the hospital next Tuesday morning at midnight ("Monday night" go in). I guess May is a busy month because that was the first available time. Plus, my friend Heather H. said they only schedule them Monday - Thursday anyway. So, unless Baby C decides to come on her own, looks like her birthday will HOPEFULLY be (Tuesday) May 26, 2009!

Heather also told me that doctors can be up to a pound off with the weight estimate (and they were with hers) soooo let's hope she's a little off (and she's smaller. I think a 7 lb baby would be just perfect!) and I have to keep in mind that this was without an ultrasound and just her 'prediction' from looking at me and I suppose counting in my measurements, etc.

So, that is the update! Pray that she doesn't get too big. I would prefer not to have a c-section but I'm just thinking positive thoughts!!!!

***Just a little addendum...
I'm a little disappointed that we saw the nurse practitioner last week (our dr. was delivering a baby and had to leave) b/c I'm thinking when I asked last week how big baby was, she might have suggested setting up an appointment for THIS week to induce if she felt it was safe. BUT what can you do? It's all good! and what's a few days?????? :-)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More Nursery

Here are the latest nursery pics. It is pretty much READY! I would like to find something to hang photos from. IKEA has metal strips you use magnets for or I thought one of those bulletin boards with the fabric over it and ribbon (???) and once Baby arrives, I will finish the other painting. I suppose I could do it before (and I might, who knows!) but for now covering up - as you'll see in the picture below - one as opposed to 2 will be much easier and less tacky looking. I can't wait to reveal! It looks much cuter under the paper. I also need to talk Travis into letting me get this cute chair from Pottery Barn too--with her name on it, how cute!

I even have my bag packed!!!!!!!!!

My mom gave us the chandelier you see here on the floor but we're not sure if we'll get to hang it or not. Our upstairs get REALLY hot so the ceiling fan really helps circulate the air. Plus, being an old house, Travis is a little concerned about what electrical issues he COULD find by taking the fan down. It's never easy!! Guess we'll see. :)

Just a few outfits that I thought I might bring her home in. I love the yellow dress but am thinking the pink outfit might be more comfy and warm. It is a little hard to see in the picture but it's really cute. The headband and socks are so cute too!!!

I just threw this picture in of these super cute Cubs onesies!! Travis picked them out at Von Maur. ADORABLE!!!!!!!! Maybe she can wear them on our trip to Chicago on July 3 if it works out!!! She already has another Cubs outfit. :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dr. Update :)

We went to the dr. yesterday afternoon and saw the nurse practitioner. Our dr. came in but got a phone call and had to leave to go deliver a baby (I suppose that's ok!!). :) The nurse prac. was great. I am dilated to a 'good' 2 she said. Baby is head down and she said 2 weeks TOPS! Soooo--now we just wait. I hope that I continue to progress on my own. I'd love to not have to be induced but that's as long as I don't go overdue (too much). :) Only 12 days to go now! I told her that I'm really afraid of having a huge baby b/c people keep telling me I'm huge and she said I'm not having a 12 pounder or anything. No guesses on weight though. And that's all fine and dandy but I'd really rather not have a 9 lb baby either! I am guessing about 7 or 8 so I guess we'll find out soon. Still no contractions of any kind. I don't even think I've had any Braxton Hicks either.

I started my 1/2 days this week and even though it's only Tuesday, I can tell it's going to help a TON! Yesterday Travis and I went to lunch, then had the appt., then I got a pedicure, and my car washed and cleaned out. It was AMAZING! Today I actually came home and chilled. I watched 2 episodes of The Baby Story (not sure why...) and then took a nap. Our neighborhood garage sales are this weekend so I was happy I actually had the energy to mark our stuff. Luckily I don't have a TON and some was already marked from last year's sale. We have a few pieces of furniture (computer desk, dresser, etc.) which is the main reason we're having the sale. Wish us luck!

Off to watch the Biggest Loser finale and American Idol!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day yesterday! I enjoyed the day with the Bettis family (my mom's side). Even though I'm not technically a mom YET, it was exciting to be able to celebrate it as a mom (to-be). I know that when little Baby C arrives, she will change our lives forever. I cannot wait to meet her! It was very surreal to see my cousin Abi's baby girl yesterday for the first time who is a little over 7 lbs and to think that is what is in my belly right now! I'd say Baby C is probably right under 7 lbs (hopefully my dr. can tell me today when we go for our appt.!).

I am very thankful to have my mom--someone who has raised me teaching me what is right but now as adults we can be true friends. I enjoy hanging out with her and we always have FUN no matter what we do. I feel very blessed to be bringing a daughter into the world and hope we have the same relationship. :)

Travis (the good husband he is) sent me flowers to school on Friday for Mother's Day (and to celebrate my LAST FULL DAY! whohoo!). They are BEAUTIFUL! With that, I should also say how thankful I am for Travis' mother (Megan, you said it best!), for raising such a loving, thoughtful and funny guy. I love Travis with all of my heart and know he wouldn't be who he is today without his mom!

Me and Bridgett

Bridgett, Mom, me and the "bump"

All of the Bettis Mom's (and me- mom-to-be)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

19 Days!!!!!!

I don't know how on Earth it's possible that I'm only 19 days away from my due date. I knew once Spring Break was here and gone that time would fly!! I start 1/2 days on MONDAY! Whohoo! I think we pretty much have everything ready, with the exception of a few tiny things. I went to the dr. today and am dilated to a 1--not much happenin' but I guess we'll see how things continue to progress with just a few weeks left. :) (Sidenote- no one told me that having your cervix checked is not much fun!!! I guess I better prepare myself for what's to come!).

Travis and I started our Childbirth classes last Friday and have 2 more left. So far we really like it. The teacher is nice and funny and I think we'll learn a lot as to what to expect (especially Travis I'd say!). We also took "Happiest Baby on the Block," which we also enjoyed. It seems VERY helpful and from the DVD looks to be almost too good to be true. It is all about the 5 S's for calming a crying baby (swaddling, shhh-ing, etc.).

Maternity Pictures
Last Sunday my Uncle Dennis and his wife Lori, who does photography on the side, came to Bloomington to take our maternity pictures. They turned out GREAT!! I am so excited. :) Here are just a few! THANKS again Lori!!!!!!!

Dennis was looking for props around our living room. We laughed at first but this picture with the C turned out to be one of my favorites!!!! We can't wait to meet you "Baby C!!!"

Travis is so dang tall, or is is that I'm so dang short? (or both??) We took a few of the pictures (not shown here) with me standing on a stepstool to make the angles look better. This one is all-natural. ha! A little awkward but that's just the way it is!