Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Things have literally been CRAZY! And I don't think they are going to get any less CRAZY so...I'm looking forward to summer. =) I apologize if I haven't been able to comment on your blogs - I have barely had time to look at them, let alone comment but I'm always peeking to see who has posted something new and love to see what you are blogging about! Our house is FOR SALE! YAY!!!! Now, to get it SOLD is the task. You should see us every morning...running around crazy like chickens with our heads cut off....make the bed, get the towels in the hamper, no dishes out, open the blinds, fluff the pillows...you get the idea! Things are winding down (well, if you want to call it that) with my class. Only 2 more Monday night classes to go! But with that comes a LOT of reading and a 10 page paper to write. I CAN DO IT. I CAN DO IT! Since I have no idea what our house situation will be, I am leaning toward not taking any classes this summer. I can't imagine trying to look for a house, pack, move, unpack, deal with the end of the year school stuff, take care of Ava, AND TAKE A CLASS! At least I wouldn't be also working (if it happens in the summer) - like most people out there, hee hee!! - but I would like to enjoy summer. I have no real goals of WHEN I HAVE to finish my masters sooooooo....with that being said, I am going to take the summer off...most likely. I still haven't completely decided on whether I want to stick with a Masters in Reading or switch to Special Education either. Oh, I will also be potty training the lil one. JOY! Please send positive vibes our way that our house sells FAST...and that we can find a house that we can afford, where we want to live! I recently found out that taxes where we want to move are more than I thought they were going to be (about double what we pay now and $1500 more than I thought they would be!!!!!!!) and that changes what our monthly payment would be considerably. EEK! Thankfully Travis just got that 10% raise! Hopefully he will continue to get raises as well, since his job description/duties are continuing to change. I also have to keep in mind that our debt is also constantly going down as we are getting some things paid off finally! We've went to a few Open Houses and I hope to be able to keep looking so we have an idea but not get our hopes up too high since we won't buy til our house sells. Next week we will be celebrating Travis' birthday (the big 2-9!...can you believe my hubby isn't even 30 yet???) by going to Chicago to a Cubs game and then staying overnight. My mom will be at our house to watch Ava. I took a personal day on Wednesday, we have an Institute Day on Thursday, and Friday - No School due to Good Friday! Woot woot! I think it's going to be a good week. Too bad it's only Tuesday of this week...


Nathan and Megan said...

Goodness, GIRL! You are a busy bee. Your Cubs game next week will be a blast! Are you going Tuesday night, then, or Wednesday? (I will be up North on Thursday/Friday). Have a blast & good luck with the house sale! XOXO

Katie said...

I am tired just thinking about your life right now! Hang in there! Your little mini-vacay next week will be so nice! I think I am going to start messing up the Carraige Hills yards/taking down the for sale signs until yours sells so you can move by me. ;)