Sunday, March 27, 2011

Now Showing

My Office/Guest Bedroom We are staging this as a bedroom/spare bedroom even though we have a spare room in the basement. That one can't be listed as a bedroom b/c it does not have an egress window so we are hoping to get people in the door and then they can see that either room could be a spare room or the one in the basement could be a bedroom for an older child possibly. We borrowed the futon from a friend (Thanks Brooke!) and I bought the pillows at Target today. LOVE the one in the middle!!!!! I might even try to do a painting to match it...WITH ALL MY SPARE TIME!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! If you saw this room before (and no I didn't take pics), you'd be amazed. We took a treadmill out of the closet you can't see, moved out an armoire type cabinet, a dollhouse bookshelf, LOTS of toys, moved the coats, reorganized the big closet, moved the desk and redecorated, took down one of the IKEA shelves. I'm really happy with how it looks. :)


Nathan and Megan said...

Looks GREAT, Steph! I can't wait to see more! Did you need the IKEA shelf somewhere else or why did you decide to move it? Just curious! Love the new look! You are going to fall in love with your cute little house all over again! LOL :)

Steph said...

We just decided it might be too close to the futon. It was under the one showing in the photo. Our realtor said that taking down *some* of our decorations will make it seem less cluttered, etc. I had to take some of the stuff off the ones in the living room - IT KILLED ME! :)

Katie said...

This looks AWESOME!!! I can't believe it's the same room!!! I don't envy you the task of Staging one bit, and think I will go clinically insane if I ever have to do it. I am such a pack-rat!!

Nathan and Megan said...

I bet it did kill you to take down decor- I would be the SAME WAY! How is it going, btw? Today is April 1 so is your house officially FOR SALE? :)