Monday, October 19, 2009

Rader Pumpkin Patch - Take 2

Travis and I decided to take Ava to the Pumpkin Patch again since it was such a nice day yesterday. We actually bought some pumpkins too so that was fun! I'm happy with how the pics turned out.


Nothin like layin in the dirt! She didn't seem to mind!

Yep--that's right. 24 inches!


hmmmmmm...Not sure how great this will taste, but let me try it out!

On our way home. I think she is thinking "Are we done now???????"

Playing with some of our purchases. :)


Nathan and Megan said...

Aren't you so glad you went back for more pics?!?!? PERFECT day. Haven't gotten to our Pumpkin Patch Post, yet, but hope to SOON! Hugs!

Katie said...

So precious with the outfit and hat!! Her big eyes are just taking it all in.

The Stille's said...

to cute...I love how she want to eat everything