Monday, January 12, 2009


Here is the crib and changing table we really like! I think we've finally found the one!! I have always wanted a sleigh bed/crib but most I've seen so far have been WAY more than I want to spend. It just seems silly to spend THAT much on a crib. I was happy to find this one on Babies R Us, along with the changing table, which is also very inexpensive for the value. It's actually a dark brown (espresso) though it kind of looks black in the picture. I have read many reviews and everyone seems to be happy with it, as well as the brown color. The only downside is that the crib does NOT have a sliding side rail. I don't know how much of a problem that will be for ME--being so short! Travis laughed when I told him since he obviously won't have that problem. Any mommies out there have any advice for me?? I guess once we lower the mattress when baby grows and if I can't reach, I'll have to keep a stepstool in the nursery, too! haha!

I think the bedding below (one of the choices) will go great with the crib, too! I'm so excited to get the furniture and get the nursery started! The bathroom is almost done (we've been busy...) and then get the spare bed out of the room and hopefully into Travis' office so we'll still have a place for guests to sleep. I plan to keep the nursery the tan color it is now and accent with pinks and browns. Once we decide on the name, I'd like to get square canvases and paint each letter of the name per canvas, along with the design of the bedding, and hang on the wall. Not sure what else but I can't wait!


the cunningham family said...

I love it! The crib looks awesome and I love the bedding choice...that is what I had picked out it I had a girl...great minds think alike!! :)

Katie said...

Ooh! I love it!!! Bridget has that bedding. It is sooo cute and feminine. The canvas idea will be really neat. I can tell you from another short person...Holden's crib does have a rail that goes down, and I have never once used it. Too much of a hassle. By the time they get big enough to put down low, they can reach up for you/pull up on the railing, so they kinda meet you halfway. If not just holler for Travis. ;o)

Dianne said...

Love the Crib! I actually saw this same one on line when I was looking after we saw the one at the Mall in Springfield. Love the pink & brown bedding too.

The Scott Family said...

I love the bedding! It is what we have in Natalie's room. We also have the expresso crib. If you ever want to see it altogether in a room feel free to stop by and check it out. It will all look cute together! I will have to post a picture of Natalie's room so you can see it.

Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between said...

Love your bedding, Steph!!